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Breath Reminder

Every once in a while... It's nice to sit back and breathe a few times before diving back into whatever you're doing...
Maybe make some tea? This tool lets you set a smooth reminder for mindful breaks throughout your day.

First time around? Scroll to the Guide section.


Breathing Exercise Settings

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✨ Feature Guide ✨


Timer Loop

Once a session ends, the timer automatically restarts, creating a continuous flow of mindful breaks throughout your day.


Breathing Techniques

Choose from classic breathing patterns or create your own custom rhythm. Each technique offers unique benefits for relaxation and focus.


Sound Options

Select from our curated sounds or use the audio from your favorite YouTube relaxation tracks to enhance your breathing sessions.



Personalize your experience with adjustable timers, breath counts, and durations to match your preferences and schedule.

Inhale 😤
Breath 1 of 5
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